The CS is dedicated to providing a diverse population of students with an outstanding education focused on math, science and technology. The curriculum is designed based on best practices with the goal of achieving 100% student proficiency on state standards in math, science and English Language & Arts as well as a 100% graduation rate and acceptance into college.
CS implements a standards-based, college-preparatory curriculum giving the staff flexibility to adapt instructional strategies in order to meet the needs of the students. The curriculum is based on a model developed and successfully implemented by Concept Schools in 19 charter schools in 4 states (Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan). All parts of the CS curriculum is fully aligned with State Learning Standards.
Curriculum maps and unit plans provide the framework for the detailed weekly lesson plans that the teachers will complete with their grade-level partners. These plans will specify the daily activities and assessments that teachers will use to teach and measure progress and to ensure that all homework and class work are aligned to standards.
High School Graduation Requirements
The CS is dedicated to providing a diverse population of students with an outstanding education focused on math, science and technology. The curriculum is designed based on best practices with the goal of achieving 100% student proficiency on state standards in math, science and English Language & Arts as well as a 100% graduation rate and acceptance into college.
CS implements a standards-based, college-preparatory curriculum giving the staff flexibility to adapt instructional strategies in order to meet the needs of the students. The curriculum is based on a model developed and successfully implemented by Concept Schools in 19 charter schools in 4 states (Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan). All parts of the CS curriculum is fully aligned with State Learning Standards.
Curriculum maps and unit plans provide the framework for the detailed weekly lesson plans that the teachers will complete with their grade-level partners. These plans will specify the daily activities and assessments that teachers will use to teach and measure progress and to ensure that all homework and class work are aligned to standards.
High School Graduation Requirements
To be considered a candidate for graduation from HSAT, students must complete the required 24 credits and and all ODE required state testing requirements. Students must have also met the minimum credit requirement for all areas indicated below. Those who fail to fulfill the requirements will not be able to receive their diplomas. The minimum requirements for graduation are as follows. Additionally, students must meet all state testing requirements. More detailed information can be found at
High School Graduation Requirements
Transfer and previously completed courses will be evaluated by administration to determine appropriate placement.
*The third science credit must be an advanced science (italicized list)
** This is a year-long course.
***Students can satisfy their foreign language requirement by completing two credits of computer coding at sequential levels of difficulty.
*The third science credit must be an advanced science (italicized list)
** This is a year-long course.
***Students can satisfy their foreign language requirement by completing two credits of computer coding at sequential levels of difficulty.
The school administration determines the valedictorian / salutatorian according to students’ academic achievement, contribution to the school, and involvement in school activities.
College Credit Plus
The College Credit Plus (CC+) Program enables students in grades 7-12 in Ohio to enroll in classes at colleges or universities in the state. If classes are successfully completed, students can earn credits for their high school and college transcripts. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous educational pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high school students. Students must receive a passing grade to get credit. If a college course is taken for both college and high school graduation credit, there is no charge to the student for the costs of tuition, textbooks, materials or fees as long as the student earns a passing grade. The textbooks remain the property of the school district once the course is completed. For more information on College Credit Plus, please contact the guidance office.
Credit Flexibility Option
High school students in grades 9-12 may earn high school credits using Credit Flexibility Options. All credit flex option plans must be approved by the administration prior to commencing with any coursework. Credit Flex Plans may include any of the following:
- Successfully completing traditional high school level courses for which one credit shall be granted per 120 hours of class time;
- Successfully completing an educational option plan.
- Successfully completing a college-level course for dual credit in accordance with the Board’s policy on post-secondary enrollment options.
- Successfully completing an online course offered by a provider approved by (a high school Principal or his or her designee OR the Academy credit flexibility committee).
- Successfully completing an examination, providing a portfolio of work that demonstrates mastery of academic content standards, or a combination of these methods.
To receive additional information regarding this option please contact the school office.
Advanced Learning Opportunity (ACLO)
ACLO is the opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students to complete high school credit courses. ACLO is open to all eligible 7th and 8th grade students. Students can take core and elective academic courses with teachers at HSAT or through a distance learning program. ACLO students who take Algebra I will take Algebra I Ohio’s State Test which will count toward the student’s requirements for High School graduation. This would apply to any adopted Ohio’s State Test that correlates with an ACLO course. Selection for ACLO is based on Ohio’s State Test scores, grades, attendance, behavior, and teacher and/or principal recommendation*. Students, parents, and/or guardians will be notified of ACLO registration opportunities. Students must maintain a minimum “C” average in ACLO classes and maintain the attendance standard, or they will be removed from the ACLO program. (A C- average is below this standard and will cause removal from ACLO .) Students must earn a minimum final grade of “C” to be awarded credit for the course. ACLO course grades become a permanent part of the high school transcript. Enrollment in ACLO is a privilege and students will be expected to be model HSAT citizens and demonstrate outstanding ROAR core values at all times. In addition to removal for low academic performance, students can also be removed from ACLO for disciplinary infractions through decision of the TBTb. *All 8th grade students will be automatically enrolled in an ACLO elective course as part of the standard 8th grade schedule. Students who achieve the required passing grade of “C” or higher will earn high school credit, while all others will be permitted to remain in the course and have it count towards their 8th grade year
Early Graduation Policy
Early Graduation Policy
Any junior wishing to graduate after three years of high school must complete the necessary paperwork and meet with his/her counselor prior to the end of first semester of their junior year. If the student is able to meet the graduation requirements, including credits and Ohio State Test points, by the end of the school year, the application will be given to the principal for review. The principal or the designee will meet with the student and parents/guardians and approve or deny the request for early graduation. If the request is approved, the junior student will be able to participate in activities for the graduating class. If the student plans on participating in the commencement exercises, he/she must attend the mandatory graduation exercises as documented by the high school principal.
Instructional Strategies
Rather than adhering to a single teaching philosophy or instructional model, the design will draw on best practices from the field and research to define a set of core instructional practices. CS teachers will utilize a unique mix of the following research-based instructional strategies:
Instructional Strategies
Rather than adhering to a single teaching philosophy or instructional model, the design will draw on best practices from the field and research to define a set of core instructional practices. CS teachers will utilize a unique mix of the following research-based instructional strategies:
- Direct teaching
- Differentiated instruction
- Problem-based learning
- Project-based learning
- Collaborative learning
- Data-driven instruction
- Transformational use of technology
Use of these techniques provides an engaging, dynamic learning environment for students to explore the questions they have about the world and ways to positively contribute to the world around them. CS will utilize a variety of instructional approaches to teach advanced concepts and thinking skills in mathematics and science, as well as other disciplines.
CS has a dedicated Technology person to assist faculty members at the school in enhancing learning through technology. Technology instruction at CS emphasizes content learning while strengthening technology skills of students, teachers and staff. Teachers use these methods and tools in to order enhance instruction in the content areas:
- Collaborative Environments, i.e. social networking platforms, community Web sites, classroom management systems, multiplayer gaming environments, or virtual worlds
- Online Communication Tools, i.e. instant messaging, online conferencing, micro-blogging platforms, and online broadcasting
- Mobiles, graphing calculators, and laptops
- Cloud Computing, i.e. Flicker, Google, and YouTube, which are virtual servers available over the Internet
- Smart Boards
- Smart Objects, i.e. devices that use quick response codes and are connected to larger information sources or interactive books and maps
- Personalized Web pages, blogs, and blackboard-type online communication tools through which teachers can tag, categorize, publish, and review work online
- Virtual learning
Child Find Process
HSAT s dedicated to encouraging the social, academic, and emotional growth of all of its students. Any student not previously identified with a special need or related service can be recommended for intervention and evaluation. The first step in determining whether a student has a disability is to collect data on their areas of strength and weakness.
Students who struggle with academics are first recommended to their grade-level Intervention Assistance Team (IAT). The IAT consists of academic coaches who work with the classroom teacher to design an appropriate intervention to help the student learn. Information on the effectiveness of the intervention helps to determine if the student needs extra help in the regular classroom or requires additional services. The school offers many academic supports, including tutoring and intervention assistance.
Students who have good attendance, turn in their work, and attend tutoring but are still not able to learn can be recommended for additional evaluation. Since students spend their day in the regular classroom, it is important that we provide as much intervention in the regular classroom as possible. Working with the classroom teacher is the first step in this process. If the student is putting forth good effort but still struggling, then a referral for special education should be made. Teachers may request a Referral for Evaluation form from the Special Education Department. Parents are asked to make their request in writing, indicating the specific areas of concern.
Once a referral or request for evaluation is received, the school has 30 days to respond. Within the 30 day time limit, the school’s psychologist will call an Evaluation Planning Meeting and invite the parent, teachers, students, and other outside agency personnel who have information to share. At the planning meeting, a plan for the evaluation is designed, consent forms are signed, and the evaluation begins. The school has 60 days to complete the evaluation from the time the consent form is signed. The evaluation is conducted by the Evaluation Team Leader, usually the School Psychologist or Speech/Language Pathologist, depending on the reason for the referral. Information on the student is collected and may include standardized testing, grades, progress reports, discipline reports, observations, interviews with parents and teachers, as well as, reports from outside agencies where the student is seen. After all the information is gathered, and before the 60 day time limit ends, an Evaluation Team Report (ETR) meeting is scheduled.
The purpose of the Evaluation Team Meeting is to determine if the student has a disability. The team is comprised of the school psychologist, parents, teachers, students, district representative, and others who have provided input, for example the Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Outside Counselors, etc. If the team determines that the student has a disability, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is written. The school has 30 days from the ETR meeting date to write an IEP that outlines the educational supports to be provided to the student in the upcoming year. Included on the IEP will be a description of the objectives and goals in each area for which the student requires assistance.
In some cases, the ETR team decides that the student does not have a disability according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) but still requires additional assistance in the regular education classroom. In some cases, the student may qualify for a Section 504 Plan which is part of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). A Section 504 Plan is most appropriate for a student who is able to be successful in class but needs emotional or behavioral supports. Often students with medical issues, ADHD, or emotional problems are provided supports using a 504 Plan.
Under Section 504, a person is considered "disabled" if that person (1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities; (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. The first part of the definition relates to the nature of the disability itself. Students may be referred for Section 504 Evaluation separate from the ETR Process. Parents, students, and teachers may refer a student to the School Psychologist at any time, in writing, to be considered for a Section 504 Plan. An evaluation planning meeting will be convened and appropriate information will be collected to determine eligibility. An eligibility meeting will be scheduled and a plan will be written as needed. The 504 Coordinator is responsible for writing and monitoring all Section 504 Plans.
Testing Policies for Students with Disabilities
At HSAT, students regardless of their ability level, are expected to achieve and succeed academically. All students with disabilities, unless indicated on the IEP, are required to participate in and expected to pass all district and state standardized testing conducted in the school. Students with disabilities are provided accommodations during testing as specified by their IEP. Every effort is made to ensure success in testing situations.