Career Advising Policy
S45- Career Advising Policy
Approved: October 2015
Revised: August 2022
The School shall:
- Provide students with grade-level examples that link students’ schoolwork to one or more career fields by using curricula that may include, but is not limited to, the Career Connections Learning Strategies offered by the Ohio Department of Education.
- Provide and document career advising to students in grades 6-12, which may include conversations with students regarding academic, career and social/emotional goals; student events; classroom instruction regarding possible career options or meetings with students and their parents/guardian
- Provide additional interventions and career advising for students who are identified as at risk of dropping out of school. These activities include:
a. Identifying students who are at risk of dropping out of school using a locally-based and research-based method developed with input from classroom teachers, guidance counselors and other appropriate School staff.
b. Developing a Student Success Plan for each at-risk student that addresses the student’s academic pathway to successful graduation and the role of career technical education, competency-based education and experiential learning, when appropriate, in that pathway.
b. Developing a Student Success Plan for each at-risk student that addresses the student’s academic pathway to successful graduation and the role of career technical education, competency-based education and experiential learning, when appropriate, in that pathway.
i. Before the School develops a pupil’s Student Success Plan, School staff will invite the student’s parent, guardian or custodian to assist in developing the Plan. If that adult does not participate in the plan development, the School will provide to the adult a copy of the Student Success Plan, a statement of the importance of a high school diploma and a listing of the academic pathways to graduation available to the student. This Plan shall be documented and included in the student’s file.
ii. Following the development of a Student Success Plan, the School will provide career advising to the student that is aligned with his or her Student Success Plan, and the School’s plan to advise students.
4. Provide training for employees on how to advise students on career pathways, which may include, but is not limited to, training on the use of the tools available in OhioMeansJobs K-12.
5. Develop, if applicable, multiple clear academic pathways through high school that students may choose to earn a high school diploma.
6. Identify and publicize information on courses that can award students both traditional academic and career-technical credit via a career technical center.
7. Make each student’s career advising documentation available to that student, the student’s parent, guardian or custodian, and any other school or college authorized by the student. The School will not otherwise release the documentation without the written consent of the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian, if the student is less than eighteen years old, or the written consent of the student, if he or she is at least eighteen years old.
8. Provide the support necessary for students to transition from high school to their post-secondary destination, including interventions necessary for students in need of remediation in mathematics and English language arts.
9. Provide students with information regarding career fields that require an industry-recognized credential, certificate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, or professional degree.
10. Provide students with information about ways to offset the costs of post-secondary education, including information on programs such as the reserve officer training corps, the college credit plus program, the Ohio guaranteed transfer pathways initiative, and joint academic programming or dual enrollment opportunities.
5. Develop, if applicable, multiple clear academic pathways through high school that students may choose to earn a high school diploma.
6. Identify and publicize information on courses that can award students both traditional academic and career-technical credit via a career technical center.
7. Make each student’s career advising documentation available to that student, the student’s parent, guardian or custodian, and any other school or college authorized by the student. The School will not otherwise release the documentation without the written consent of the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian, if the student is less than eighteen years old, or the written consent of the student, if he or she is at least eighteen years old.
8. Provide the support necessary for students to transition from high school to their post-secondary destination, including interventions necessary for students in need of remediation in mathematics and English language arts.
9. Provide students with information regarding career fields that require an industry-recognized credential, certificate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, or professional degree.
10. Provide students with information about ways to offset the costs of post-secondary education, including information on programs such as the reserve officer training corps, the college credit plus program, the Ohio guaranteed transfer pathways initiative, and joint academic programming or dual enrollment opportunities.