College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus
The College Credit Plus (CC+) Program enables students in grades 7-12 in Ohio to enroll in classes at colleges or universities in the state. If classes are successfully completed, students can earn credits for their high school and college transcripts. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous educational pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high school students. Students must receive a passing grade to get credit. If a college course is taken for both college and high school graduation credit, there is no charge to the student for the costs of tuition, textbooks, materials or fees as long as the student earns a passing grade. The textbooks remain the property of the school district once the course is completed. For more information on College Credit Plus, please contact the guidance office.
College Credit Plus Student & Parent Guide
College Credit Plus Program Overview
Sample HSAT Pathways and College Resources
Interested in participating in the 2024-2025 school year? Follow the steps below:
- View the informational counseling session that is recording of the information presented at the Information Parent Night that was held on Tuesday November 12, 2024 . CCP Informational Session
- Complete the Intent to Participate form by April 1, 2025
College Credit Plus Info Night
Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Time: 6:00
Location: HSA Toledo Cafeteria (2600 W. Sylvania Ave.)